Monday, March 1, 2010

Austin Fest HLGCBS

Just got back from the fest, here goes!

-Performing in the Public Show on Friday. Felt like it went over really
-Noah's walking globe. ENORMOUS.
-Meeting Arsene! I got a chance to chat with him Saturday before the show
while we were running tech. He's an incredibly nice guy.
-Learning a new trick from Jim Mackenzie.
-Seeing Brett Sheets!!!!!!
-Seeing the rest of my Houston friends and seeing that Strake is still
producing some crazy good jugglers!
-Food in Texas always rocks.
-Hanging out with Alex Chimal on Sunday for a while.
-Staying with Nathan Peterson the whole weekend.
-Having one of my childhood friends get to see me perform Saturday night.
-My 5 object workshop being well received on Saturday (thanks to everyone
-Mine and Reid's team workshop going well again.
-Running back to the gym to make it to Renegade in time while eating a
with Jen Slaw (hilarious).
-The show. Great line up and everyone was very cool, laid back and easy
work with.
-Coming up with a couple new three ball tricks on Sunday at Nate's after
-Making a lot of new friends and seeing old ones.

-Renegade performance friday night. Mine and Reid's performance was off
night. Oh well, it happens. We'll get it worked out.
-Not seeing that Jen dropped Saturday night during her performance and not
getting a ball to her in time. Really not cool of me.
-Bekah not getting to come :(
-Not getting to see the flaming idiots perform. I had no idea before I
there that they were performing there for a whole month! If I'd known
that I
would have found a way to stay an extra day or so to see them.

-Be happy with my performance and workshops (check).

-Noah's walking globe
-The crew from Tulane. You were all really cool and I wish I'd gotten to
out with you more. You should start a festival so I can come to it. I
New Orleans and would like an excuse to visit again :)
-Cane crew. Also, you're all insane.

-My timing on getting food. I always seemed to be rushing to eat just in
before I had to do something.

-Brett Sheets!

Thanks again everyone for a great fest!