Saturday, December 26, 2009

Wind in Kansas, Xmas, "to" vs. "cc" and comedy writing

I've been in Kansas the past couple days visiting Bekah's family for Xmas. It has been a really nice break from my normal hectic life, and I like getting to see her family. I got some great things from them for Xmas including some new notebooks (I have about a dozen, all for different things) and three new games, Wordsmith, Quiddler and Scrabble Slam. I really enjoy games and will review them later, since in just a few minutes I'm taking a walk!

I'm always amazed at the wind through Kansas. Growing up in Roanoke, I always assumed that wind came from Mountains (or from bodies of water, when I was living in Rochester and Houston). Well, that confused me the first time I drove through Kansas. I guess it makes sense considering all the tornadoes they get...

I am always a little freaked out by how little there is out here. I hear stories of people who get freaked out when they go to big cities for the first time. Well, I had a little of the opposite experience. It made me a little uneasy the first couple times I visited Bekah's family when I saw how little there was out here. If anyone has ever driven down I-70 through Kansas, they know how little there is there. Well, there is a lot (A LOT) less once you drive off I-70. Definitely disconcerting to me.

Okay, I took a moment to reply to an e-mail regarding the Bovine, and I was wondering, what is the difference (practically speaking) between an e-mail "to" someone and a "Cc" e-mail to someone? I know what a Bcc does (which is very exciting as far as e-mailing goes), but can't figure out what the difference between to and cc really is.

Tonight, I think I might put some time into trying comedy writing again. Jeff lent me (and eventually gave me when he moved to Poland) a book on comedy writing he had gotten. I've made it a little ways into it, and really should give it some more effort. It is a book called "Step by step to stand up comedy." Its actually written by an old Ringling clown. The book has a lot of exercises you can go through in writing jokes, and while I'm sure the vast majority of the jokes I write at first are going to be just about terrible, eventually I'll make a mistake and actually write something funny. Anyone have any other books about comedy they'd suggest?

I'm definitely a huge nerd, because I'd be surprised if that many people say to themselves "hmmmm, how can I be funnier?" and the first place they think to go is a public library.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas, New Years, and 5 club 5 up pirouettes

I've gotten some interesting perspective having worked in the biomedical, retail, and entertainment fields over the holiday season. My approach and feelings about the holidays seem to be largely dependent on what my job is. In retail, I dread it. I'm paid very little and work very hard in a field I don't plan to advance in. In the biomedical field, I was happy because I'd have time off. In the entertainment field, I'm looking forward to it because I've got significant money coming my way, and I'm doing something I enjoy and want to advance in.

In other news, I'm absurdly close to hitting a 5 club 5 up pirouette. I've been working off and on at this for a few years now. It has become a very meaningful goal for me. I've been juggling for 14 years and consider myself to be fairly talented. At 28, I'm not making progress by leaps and bounds anymore, but I'm still getting better. Striving for this trick helps remind me that I am improving. Somewhere between 5 and 7 years ago, I thought I had peaked in ability and gave up for a little while. Somewhere along the line, I started to get more confidence in my skills as a juggler, and picked up Matt Hall as a kind of inspirational figure (as someone who is constantly improving and older than me). Anyway, I'm going to hit this trick. Sure, its something that many people hit on a regular basis and don't think much about, but to me, its going to be huge. It also makes me appreciate what I can already do since (and I'm not trying to sound egotistical or anything) many of the tricks I do on a regular basis are probably a really big deal to others.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Linked to facebook

I just linked this blog to facebook. I like the setup better on blogger, so, if you do want to follow me, I suggest doing it there. Also because that way I'll know you really love me, since really the only way to know that people like you is to see how many social networking sites you're connected through.'d better subscribe to this...

As I've mentioned I've tried the whole blogging thing before and not followed through. I think previously it was because I had a goal with it, either to relate something that I'd already done, or to be way too philosophical with it or something along those lines. This time, I'm just going to write crap, and maybe someone else will read it. I think the whole reason I may actually keep up with it this time is because of twitter. I think twitter is the "gateway drug" of blogging.

The Universe, Lannie's and the Bovine.

If you haven't watched this yet, you should. The video takes the viewer from the Himalayans on Earth, through the known universe and back. It gives so many interesting perspectives. One I really enjoyed was seeing just how much of the universe we haven't looked at yet. In addition, I don't think I've ever seen a video or diagram pull off the "look how small we are" idea quite as well as this does. It's also just a beautiful video to watch.

Smirk performed at the final late night Magic Underground last night at Lannie's. The show is moving to a prime-time slot on Wednesday nights. One thing this means is the show will be 18+ instead of 21+. I for one, will be happy with the move to Wednesday nights. Reid and I have developed a lot of good material over the past few months as a part of this show, however we need to clean it up a bit. Playing to a late-night crowd has caused us to play a little more blue than we should considering we want to play to a general audience. Overall, I hope the show continues to grow and succeed.

In other news, my run as the Improv Hootenanny host has been extended through July 2011! I'm really excited about this, as well as the opportunity to work with a producer beginning in January. I like the hoot, a lot. That being said, I think there are some changes that need to be made.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Smirk promo video

I've been off and on editing a promo video for a while for Smirk. Watching Doug's new promo video has prompted me to put some more effort into one again (there are some things in it that I really like, and some thing in it I think could have been done better, or things that it needs).

I need to just buckle down and get it done. I was this way when working on Superior Juggling, and when I finally got it done I was very proud of it and happy with it. I've got a pretty good idea where I'm going with this video, but would like to know what people would like to see in a promo video.

We Begin again!

I think this must be my 4th or 5th attempt at a blog. In the past I think I've tried to make it something far too serious, rather than just a place to say whatever I'm thinking about or doing. So I'll be taking a much more relaxed approach to this and hopefully it will be more interesting and more frequently updated.